WELCOME to the web site of the Cincinnati Silent Flyers (CSF)!!
We are the only all-electric powered RC flying club in Hamilton County, Ohio. Our airfield is located on the western edge of Winton Woods in Springfield Township.
Entrance to the airfield is off of Springdale Road, approximately 100 feet east of the intersection of Mill & Springdale.
We feature a 400-foot paved runway, large covered pit area with ample workbenches, and an on-site, solar-powered charging system.
The CSF’s annual dues are only $65/ individual and $85/ family.
We offer three FREE flight training to those interested in learning to fly RC aircraft. Our training -weather permitting- is on Monday or Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm until dusk, and runs from May through August. We ask that anyone interested in training contact our Training Coordinator. Here is our Training Manual.
The CSF is an Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) charter club #4508. We do require members to have a current AMA membership. You can find out more about the AMA on their website at: http://www.modelaircraft.org/
If you would like to receive our quarterly Cincinnati Silent Flyers Newsletter, simply fill out the form below and click on the “SUBMIT” button!! (You can also read past issues of the CSF Newsletter HERE!)